Counseling - Therapist
1. Counseling in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho
2. Counseling in Spokane Valley, Washington
3. Counseling in Spokane, Washington
4. Counseling by Phone
What is most important to you when you are considering a therapist?
Does it include feeling seen, understood and completely safe?
Are you wanting someone that has the expert skills and experience to help you resolve your issues in a new, kinder, gentler and more loving way?
Would you be interested in learning how to use your current challenges as a way to reclaim your strengths?
If these qualities are important to you, you have found the right therapist. This is how Jeffrey has been offering counseling services for over 33 years. His counseling comes from his heart and his keen intuition enables him to reveal what is most important in an efficient and effective manner. He will help you see things in a new way and many of those insights will come from within as a result of discovering more about yourself. He is a master at helping others use their problems to become more aware of their Soul's gifts and to learn to trust who they are more deeply.
For individuals, Jeffrey provides a process for using current issues as a catalyst for growth and needed changes that are empowering for a life time. His approach is personalized to your unique needs and best ways of learning and growing. While based in proven methods, it unfolds organically and may borrow from a variety of techniques rather than using one size for all. He specializes in the following areas:
* Learning to Love Yourself Unconditionally
* Overcoming Your Fear and Anxiety
*How to * Reduce Stress at Work and Home
* Healing Self-Doubt and a Low Self-Image
* Making Peace with Your Inner Battles and Discovering Yourself Anew
* Healing Depression without Medication
* Diet and Lifestyle Changes Based in Self-Love
For couples, Jeffrey provides communication tools and processes for resolving conflicts and healing past wounds, new ways to enhance mutual support and understanding, practices that invite the sacred third presence into your relationship and discovering greater intimacy and joy together. Jeffrey specializes in the following areas:
* What to Do When You Can't Talk About What You Really Need to Talk About
* How to Make it Safe to Talk About Difficult Topics
* How to Heal the Hurts, Disappointments and/or Betrayals that Cause You to Feel Separate
* How to Make It Safe to be who You Are in Your Relationships
* How to Find Yourself Again After Losing Yourself in Your Relationship
* What to Do When You Are Feeling Alone, Separated or Abandoned
* What to Do When You Are Holding Back but Don't Want To
* What to Do When Trust Has Been Lost or Diminished: Building or Rebuilding Trust in the Relationship
* How to Heal and Build A Relationship Based on Respect
Call or e-mail now for assistance at:
Phone: 208-667-8387
“You truly have a very special essence about you and create a safe, sacred space for shifts to give us room to absorb in our own way, in our own time. What a gift you are Jeffrey.”
- Pam
“I realize from our time together that if I come from my Soul, I just accept where I am and that's it. You cannot do anything more to be more accepted. You cannot do anything to lose my love. We are both free.”
- David